At the end of February, Frederick sent parties against the Russian magazines on the Warthe (present-day Warta river) and at Posen (present-day Poznań/PL). These parties successfully destroyed some magazines.
Jung Und Frei Magazine 229
In mid April, Frederick sent Fouqué in a raid in Moravia to destroy Austrian magazines. Simultaneously, Frederick sent Prince Heinrich in a raid inside Bohemia. Prince Heinrich destroyed large depots belonging to the Reichsarmee but then retired towards Saxony.
Daun resolved to send a corps towards Brandenburg along the Spree and the Neiss to draw Prince Heinrich away from Saxony. This project called for a simultaneous advance of the Reichsarmee on Erfurt and Leipzig and for the junction of de Ville's and Harsch's Corps against the Prussian Corps of Fouqué (20 bns, 3 freikorps, 20 sqns) at Reich-Hennersdorf near Landeshut in Lower Silesia.
When Saltykov realised that the Austrians were letting his army do all the fighting, he informed Daun that his troops had now done enough and that the Austrians should pursue Frederick's army to finish what he had begun. Meanwhile, Saltykov intended to march to Guben (present-day Gubin/PL), closer to the Oder and to his magazine at Posen.